As a minister of witness the seventy shares the peace of Jesus Christ and promotes communities of justice and peacefulness. The seventy models “Jesus as one who proclaims the gospel” when expressing his or her ministry with individuals and families, in community and in congregations.

The seventy preach the gospel and are to be an especial witness in the world. Seventy develop strategies and organize resources to implement the missionary task of the church. The seventy are World Church ministers who work closely with the field apostle and mission center leadership. They are to travel continually as they endeavor to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world. According to instruction found in Section 163 of the Doctrine and Covenants, “The seventy are to be the forerunners of Christ’s peace, preparing the way for apostolic witness to be more readily received.” They work closely with the Council of Twelve Apostles to “accelerate the work of sharing the gospel” and in “implementing wholistic evangelistic ministries.”