Mission Center Events

Child Protection Training

If you are in need of becoming Youth Worker Registered and have not taken this course yet please plan a date to attend. You are only required to attend ONE session. All Sunday trainings will be held in person at the Family Life Center, 500 W Pacific Ave. Indep. from 1:30-3:30pm. All Thursday trainings will be help on Zoom from 6:30-8:00pm. Please email Tyler Horringa at tylerhorring@centralmission.org if you are interested in attending one of these trainings. 

Diversity & Inclusion Presents

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host an online 60-minute session on February 16th from 3-4pm, highlighting the often unknown history about Black people who helped create the USA culture and enterprises that we have today. An opportunity for Q & A dialogue will follow the presentation. 

Contact Heather Frey at hfrey@CofChrist.orgfor the Zoom link.

Central USA Mission Center congregation worship service information is updated weekly here. You can also come back to this website each month to see our Communion Worship Service on the first Sunday of each month.