Mission Center Events

World Conference Delegate

As part of our business meeting this year we will be voting on the 2025 World Conference Delegates. Please take this time prior to Mission Center Conference to submit your name as a delegate.

Living Hospitality

Join the Council of Presidents of Seventy for a training on how to live hospitably in our daily lives. As the event approaches, we will share more information with you. In the meantime, sign up below if you plan to attend.

JAM Volunteers

Central USA Mission Center Outreach is looking for dedicated volunteers to help this year with our Jesus & Me (JAM) program. We need people who can help lead music, games, crafts, stories, and also have fun with youth in Kindergarten through 5th Grade! JAM happens every Monday during the school year starting September 9th, 2024. If you or someone you know is interested in helping with this program please reach out to Carole Price at 816-797-9424 or caroleprice@centralmission.org for more information. 

Voter Registration

“Voting is a civic sacrament.” Theodore Hesburgh
The outcome of the 2024 November elections promise to have resounding impact on the future of the United States. Members and friends of Community of Christ are encouraged to cherish their citizenship by prayerfully discerned voting. If you are not yet registered to vote, there is still time before the Oct. 9 deadline. Registration can be completed online at vote.gov/register/missouri. Assistance to register will also be offered in your home congregation by designated members familiar with this process. 
Pastors can signal their willingness for this support via an email to Sharon Hannah at sharon@jays.net and contact will be made to arrange a time.
This opportunity is for REGISTRATION ONLY! No championing of candidates or issues will be given.

CSL and Good Shepherd Training

A social worker from CSL will come to Good Shepherd for this session to educate and train us on how to work with new situations and to get more comfortable understanding the needs of the unhoused community. Please join us for this informative training. Each session will have a different focus and will last approximately one hour, including time for questions.

Pick a Diversity to Build Understanding

This workshop uses simple eye opening/self-exploration activities to build clarity, empathy, and understanding about human diversities for personal and congregational growth and development. It offers guidance for identifying specific action plans for inclusion. Taught by Gwendolyn Hawks-Blue. 

Child Protection Training

If you are in need of becoming Youth Worker Registered and have not taken this course yet please plan a date to attend. You are only required to attend ONE session. All Sunday trainings will be held in person at the Family Life Center, 500 W Pacific Ave. Indep. from 1:30-3:30pm. All Thursday trainings will be help on Zoom from 6:30-8:00pm. Please email Tyler Horringa at tylerhorring@centralmission.org if you are interested in attending one of these trainings. 

Central USA Mission Center congregation worship service information is updated weekly here. You can also come back to this website each month to see our Communion Worship Service on the first Sunday of each month.