Upcoming Ministry and Priesthood classes:
If you are preparing for priesthood ministry, make plans to attend the appropriate classes.
To register please email Laura Reed at laurareed@centralmission.org. Include the following information- Name, Contact information (email and/or phone number), Congregation, and the class you wish to take.
- Ministry of Disciple (Robin Linkhart): $25
- Introduction to Pastors Ministry: $25
- Christian Ministries Certificate: Practical Ministry (Zac Harmon-McLaughlin): $100
March 3 – April 27, 2025:
- Introduction to Priesthood Ministry (Rick Maupin): $25
- Ministry of Seventy (Bethany Lloyd): $25
- Ministry of Teacher (David Lloyd): $25
- Ministry of the Bishop (Carla Long): $25
- Christian Ministries Certificate: World Religions: Dialogue, Understanding, and Peacemaking (Andrew Bolton): $100
Most classes include non-degreed continuing credits. To enroll or for more information on these classes and the certificate programs, please visit our website at: www.graceland.edu/CIMM
Upcoming CIMM Sessions:
CIMM Sessions are short seminars on topics of theology, culture, and Community of Christ Identity, Mission, Message, Beliefs and practices. These sessions broadcast at 8:00pm Eastern, 7:00pm Central, 6:00pm Mountain, and 5:00pm Pacific on Wednesday nights. Join us for the follow sessions live via ZOOM:
- October 30 – Listening with the Lectionary (Dec/Jan) – Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith
- November 6 – “God All Around” Linda Booth
- November 13 – Deciding Together in the Church part 1 – Kelly Phipps
- November 20 – Deciding Together in the Church part 2 – Kelly Phipps
- December 4 – – Star Trek Community – Star Trek Community Group
- December 11 – Linda Stanbridge – Becoming a Prophetic People
- December 18 – Worship in a Changing Culture (Part 2) – Tyler Marz and Karin Peter
- January 8 – Listening with the Lectionary (Feb/March) – Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith
To register for CIMM Sessions, visit our website at www.graceland.edu/cimmsessions. You can also watch past CIMM Sessions on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@cofcseminaryatgu/videos.