Mission Center Events

Runnin’ Down Zion’s Road

Ever wanted to run/walk a 5k, 10k, or Half-Marathon but didn’t know how or when to start training?

Now is your chance to join our running club.

Meet our Virtual Coach, Dillon Grover.  Dillon is a Multiple time NAIA national qualifier track and cross country, 2022 NAIA cross country all American, D2 cross country national qualifier. Dillon will prepare a 10 week training schedule to help you get across the 5k, 10k or 1/2 marathon finish line.  Each week he will get a schedule of workouts for each of us to complete.  If you live in or near Kansas City, we are looking at the Hospital Hill Run on May 31st.  The week of March 23rd will be the start of the 10 week training schedule.


To register: Contact Dillon Grover (816)944-9720 or dillon.grover@att.net OR Curtis Harper (816)808-2507 or curtis@longridgelrs.com with your phone number and  answer these questions- Have you run before? What is your experience with running? Have you had any major injuries? How frequently do you run? What is the farthest you’ve run before? How active are you in a week? 

Diversity & Inclusion Presents

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a Dialogue Series “Exploring Selected Enduring Principles in the Current Cultural Climate. These 60 min Zoom sessions will be held at 7:00 pm on the 4th Sundays of Feb, March, April, and 3rd Sunday of May.

Contact Heather Frey at hfrey@CofChrist.orgfor the Zoom link.

Child Protection Training

If you are in need of becoming Youth Worker Registered and have not taken this course yet please plan a date to attend. You are only required to attend ONE session. All Sunday trainings will be held in person at the Family Life Center, 500 W Pacific Ave. Indep. from 1:30-3:30pm. All Thursday trainings will be help on Zoom from 6:30-8:00pm. Please email Tyler Horringa at tylerhorring@centralmission.org if you are interested in attending one of these trainings. 

Central USA Mission Center congregation worship service information is updated weekly here. You can also come back to this website each month to see our Communion Worship Service on the first Sunday of each month.